Beekeeping 102
May 4th, 2024, 8:30 AM-3:30 PM
Beekeeping 102 is the 2nd in a series of 3 Saturday programs offered to assist you with your beekeeping adventure.
You have honeybees, now what? Learn how to properly manage your beehive while your bees are foraging and packing away pollen and honey.
Topics will include, combining hives, re-queening, inspection techniques, hive swarming, dearth management, hive smoker demonstration and use, managing your hive’s growth, pest control and when to add honey supers.
You will participate in a field demonstration with two on site hives which will be opened and inspected.
Randy Rykal and the Chippewa Valley Beekeeping Club will be providing the training.
Please bring a bee veil or bee suit as we open an onsite beehive for examination and hands on inspection.
There will be a catered lunch available from Chicken Chasers of Fall Creek. Bring cash for a sandwich and drinks.
Full payment and registration is due by Monday, May 1st.Members $40 Nonmembers $45
Register for Beekeeping 103:https://beavercreekreserve.doubleknot.com/event/beekeeping-103/3023253
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